pp108 : show - navigator

show - navigator

Displays the navigator object and its buttons based on the passed parameter.



componentID.navigator.show(sButtonID )





String that denotes the name of the button available in the navigator. The following are the some of the values that can be passed as the parameter for this method:

  • control: Shows the control buttons (Insert and Delete) from the navigator.
  • navigation: Shows the pagination buttons (First, Next, Previous, Last and Find) from the navigator.
  • find: Shows the Find button alone from the pagination bar.
  • insert: Shows the Insert button alone from the pagination bar.
  • delete: Shows the Delete button alone from the pagination bar.
  • all: Shows all the default buttons from the pagination bar.
  • showall: Shows the Show All button, which retrieves all the records in the back end to the container.
  • refresh: Shows the Refresh button which refreshes the view with the data in the model.
  • pagination: Shows the pagination buttons (First, Next, Previous, Last and Find) from the navigator.


If no value is passed as parameter then it is equivalent to passing theallparameter, which displays the navigator.


This sample code demonstrates how the method can be used.


Applies to

Tab Group, Table, Groupbox